Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Someone once told me that blogging is the new vanity tool.   That causing others to read what you have to write, and being published instantly whether good or bad is a not necessarily beneficial to society.   Oh well, I guess only time will tell.

So what shall I write about?  Having lived over half a century I have many experiences to relate.  Being part Irish gives me many stories to tell with lots of embellishment.   Living with MS gives me another perspective as does living with two cats.   Having worked as a waitress, a nurse, a hospice coordinator, a computer instructor, a programmer, an analyst, and a consultant gives me even more.  Of course with hobbies that include crocheting, knitting, reading, and guitar playing I can think of even more ideas.   I can write of the love of Christ, politics, or simple pleasures.  

So Aunt Leda Says?   Well, I guess you'll have to come back and see.

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